Friday 9 September 2011

Words of wisdom to the CYF- National Executive

By Baba Trymore Sithole

The 2011 national CYF AGM is worth to be remembered in every reminds me of the years when we used to enjoy being a full member of the CYF. The 1st Guest speaker was too hot to handle and he paved a way to a historic AGM-"Musaronga Rwendo neasingaendi" a saying which reminds me of those who used to say "Tinenge tiriyo Chirinda" but they failed. This years AGM was typical of those events worth not to be done annual but maybe 2 or 3 times a year.

Well l just wanted to talk about the new executive. Allow me to say that the elected committee is the one that we all wanted. CYF l am tired of saying this and l hope today it will not fall on deaf ears. We elect people to lead us and make CYF a vibrant group worth to be joined not to make their pockets full tough the CYF funds. let me warn the elected members that,"its not time to sleep, fold your hands and relax,its time to think and come up with tounchabale things to present as achievements at the next years AGM. Next year we will give the President the stage to tell us about the achievements made and I will ensure that we will have progress review b4 the end of this year." We need to have a CYF conference centre and this has to be started this year. Think about it. We need to have as many projects as possible to generate income to the CYF pocket because we are tired of being burgers all the time.

Please lets leave politics alone and unite as a Christian group. lets forget our differences and unite for development to take its course.

President Mr Mahlanganise its high time you take this platform to deliever your best service and we promise you all the suport that you want.

CYF let no one despise your youth.

l wish you the best in executing your duties.

God bless you all

Trymore Sithole is the former president of the CYF council.

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