Friday 9 September 2011

CYF IN THE AGE SOCIAL MEDIA: Presentation by Baba Claris Madhuku and Baba Owen Dhliwayo on 16th July 2011 at Glen View revival

CYF in the Age of social media

This teaching has one major objective with two specifics.

CYF can benefit if they use social media properly

Proper management and administration of CYF face book account
Increase of CYF face book membership from the current 197 to 500 by end of December 2011.

Christian Youth Fellowship is as defined in the CYF Constitution, with a clear mission to bring young Christians together for the purpose of overcoming their spiritual and physical needs. It is important to take note that spiritual challenges are as summarised in 1 Timothy 4 v 12.On the other hand the physical challenges are(the list is not exhaustive)

Behavioural change and HIV/AIDS
Gender disparity and male dominance
Poverty and Child headed families
Generation Gap
Lack of skills and funding
Uninspiring leadership and followers
Mismanagement of change
Social media refers to online publication that allows end users to engage in multi-directional conversation in and around the content on the website. Examples of social media are

My space
You Tube
Face book

Environmental Scan
The topic becomes relevant because social media, particularly the face book, has taken the world into frenzy where it has become an indispensable part of the marketing mix to reach customers and clients. It is a fact that social media has overtaken traditional media formats such as

The benefits of using social media generally outweigh the dangers especially when used properly. Should CYF members ignore social media, the council will be disadvantaged.

Close to a billion people in the world use social media with 75% of these being FB users. In Zimbabwe where the official population is 12,084 million 1,422 are social media users. This statistics show that about 12% of the population uses social media. The CYF council has a membership of approximately 3 000(estimation) with close to 500 as paid up membership. With our FB attracting only 197 to date, it means that less than 7% of the CYF members are on facebook .It is generally estimated that slightly above 15% of the CYF council are internet users. It is my argument that if the CYF Face book account is used properly the current membership will double by end of December.

Social media provides more details than solicited. It would be important for the users to make a decision on what they need without giving themselves in or away. The user must know oneself first as a rule.
The majority of users tend to ignore privacy yet there is a danger of facial recognition. Many face book users has been trapped by criminals due to too much revelation of privacy. CYF users must provide decent details and pictures that reflects CYF values
Fatigue is picking up. Users must remember that this excitement may fade as soon as something new comes. The correct approach is to be calm and use it properly without getting overzealous.
Social media has low cost, unlimited access and a global reach therefore favourable and user friendly.
The CYF face book needs to be managed responsibly by avoiding ziwada wada, where we end up with more than one face book groups. Though this is voluntary discipline ought to be involved where the National Executive has to be involved. A case study can be the way CYF T-shirts and badges are protected.

Information Packaging on Social Media
Social media is an important “window” between the CYF Council and the wider society. Youths, advisors, senior friends and even pastors find a place for both service and fellowship due to its nature of being an agenda setter – focus on an issue and project it at the audience. At the same time, social media has a legitimate role in informing, persuading and interpreting events and thus become a forum for the exchange of views in order to bring about positive societal change.

It is, therefore, imperative to note that youths have to communicate in order to make progress in society through our religious convictions, and each one of us should take part in the exchange of information in order to share our faith related experiences and bring about positive change.

However, information packaging should strike a balancing act. On one hand, we must address real issues and on the other hand ensure that our information posted on social media edifies others for the glory of God. As CYF members, we are required to adhere to our values and attitudes. We are guided by our Christian faith because social media is about relationships and the love of Christ through our dynamic fellowship. Social media entangles the web of our social fabric hierarchy as it is a relationship without any overlay of power. Thus, we have guiding principles;

Guiding Principles on Information Packaging
CYF as a Community of Young Worshippers – 1Peter 2: 9 - 10
The message we post on social media should reflect that God has a divine purpose for us and even the CYF Council. As a community of young Christians, we must take time to look ahead, to search for God’s purpose and seek out our divine destiny.

A circle of Friends - Proverbs 17: 17
In this world of endless challenges in our lives – school, family, work, we have lowered our aim and lived with a low expectancy. On the social media pedestal, CYF needs to be and also to find Spiritual allies who constantly remind us of our gifts and abilities and the ONE who gave them to us


Self Intimates

Christian Youth Fellowship - 1Peter 3: 8 – 9
Let us all examine our motives through focusing on what God wants us to build. The Israelites just wanted to get out of Egypt and did not look ahead to the end of the journey. Likewise, many youths would want to use social media tools for survival mechanism and cover one’s hurt often ending up spewing one’s pain on everyone around. We need to seek knowledge of the social media within God’s blessing. CYF on the social media is truly an instrument for God’s peace and blessings and we have a responsibility to love, honour, respect and fellowship with others for the glory of God.

Wary of the Demonic Forces on Social Media - 1 Peter 5: 8 – 9
Why would the devil tempt us on social media?

Sarah was a woman who basically had lost her faith due to her assessment in the physical world. Let us not fall into the habit of seeing everything in the natural, at the same time insisting on calling ourselves Christians. Our role is to hear and obey the things we hear our Father in Heaven say. Whenever the devil is talking to you through social media, you must know that he is meddling with the child of God – let God deal with the devil.

Information Content - Psalm 141: 3 – 4
What do you appreciate or esteem most? What are feelings towards an issue or someone?

Make sure your purpose have the Heavenly seal of approval
Hold fast to your vision and move towards it as steadily as Christian like
Ask God to open your eyes to His invisible purpose in your life

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